We implement actions supporting compliance with the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We recognize the importance of defining a strategic response to mitigate the risks and impacts that climatic change can cause in our operations, in the value chain and in neighboring communities, thus we contribute to national and international goals in this matter.
On the other hand, it is envisaged that in the coming years there will be an increase in the demand for products used in the manufacture of clean technologies, such as copper.
Our response to climatic change is based on 4 axes:
- Provide products and services supporting the transition to low carbon economies
- Reduce the carbon footprint of the organization
- Increase the resilience of operations and surrounding communities to the effects of climatic change
- Align organizational management with the best international practices
(For further information thereto, please consult our Sustainable Development Reports)

In 2020, we met our goal of reducing the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions by 5%

Our new Fenicias Wind Farm will reduce the organization’s carbon footprint, generating 168 MW of wind power

In 2020, we have updated our analysis of risks and opportunities arising from climatic change, in line with the recommendations by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TFCD).